Tuesday, March 28, 2017

A Letter of Thanks For Everything My Therapist Has Done

I got this story published today on The Mighty. Here's the link to go directly there: https://themighty.com/2017/03/letter-of-thanks-to-therapist-for-everything/

In case you don't feel like creating an account, I put it here too. :)

Dear therapist,

Thank you for everything.

In the moments when I was too anxious and overwhelmed to make any sense, thank you for being patient with me, for trying to understand my jumbled thoughts.

On some days when depression made it hard to get out of bed thank you for giving me motivation, because I knew a conversation with you was awaiting me. And I was sure to feel better after.

When I was convinced I wasn’t enough, thank you for sitting there and telling me I am, and I am worth it, and that I am loved and deserving.

When I got to the point where talking about my emotions became too overwhelming and I shut down, thank you for reminding me it was OK to be uncomfortable, OK that it was difficult and that this was a room free of judgment. Thank you for sitting there patiently with me while I tried to process.

When I walked into your office in the most pessimistic mood, thank you for gently encouraging me to look at things in another, more positive way.

When comments from others had me convinced no one understood or would ever understand me, thank you for saying the things I needed to hear to convince me otherwise. Thank you for reminding me I am not alone.

When my world was filled with change and turmoil, thank you for standing as one trustworthy constant.

On days when I was sure things would never get better, thank you for reminding me of how far I’ve come.

When I admitted to my eating disorder, thank you for encouraging me to talk to my family and for sitting with me as I planned out what to say. And thank you for making the phone call with me, seeking professional help.

When my symptoms got worse and it was clear I needed more support, thank you for your wisdom, your recommendations, and for letting me know you’ll still be there for me, even while I was away getting help in residential. Thank you for being there when I got back.

When things began to improve and I was upbeat and confident, thank you for sharing in my joy — for laughing with me, sharing our inside jokes and reminding me there is goodness and happiness in this world.

When I moved across the ocean to experience life abroad, thank you for telling me how proud you were of how far I’ve come and for assuring me if I ever needed anything, you would still be there.

When I think about how much you’ve done for me, how far you’ve helped me come, how much I’ve grown with your help and how you’ve supported me at my worst and encouraged me at my best, “thank you” falls far short of adequately expressing my immense gratitude.

But still, I say it anyway.

Thank you, therapist, for everything.



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